Phoenix, AZ Bankruptcy Attorney
Arizona Debt Solutions, Arizona bankruptcy lawyers, will provide you with all the answers to your bankruptcy questions! To assist you with some quick answers to frequently asked questions, we will provide you with the following:
What are some things I can keep when I file chapter 7 bankruptcy?
99.9% of our clients are concerned about their personal belongings. But don’t you worry, we are here to help you KEEP as much of those items as allowed by the bankruptcy code. Some of the common exemptions are:
- Partial Equity in your Vehicle
- Clothing
- Pension Plans / Retirement Accounts
- Partial Equity in your Home
- Cash (Savings, etc)
- Furniture
How will my credit be affected?
Yes, your credit will be affected; however, it may already be damaged from late payments, charge offs etc. This being said, Arizona Debt Solutions works with you to improve your credit AFTER you bankruptcy case is complete!
I keep getting harassing creditor calls at home/cell, can you help stop them?
Once you start your bankruptcy with Arizona Debt Solutions and we file on your behalf, the collection agencies contacting you will legally no longer be able to contact you. We will handle any conversations from there on out.
We started a mortgage that has gone up SO much that we can no longer afford to pay our payments on our home. What legal options do we have?
In order to take a legal action in this manner, we will need to speak with you in person to obtain all the necessary information to provide you with sound advice. That being said, Arizona Debt Solutions will likely be able to assist you with modifying your existing home loan or assist with filing a bankruptcy on your behalf!
Contact a Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney
The attorneys and staff at Arizona Debt Solutions are dedicated to answering all of your questions and helping you with your decision to file for bankruptcy.
CONTACT US today for a Free Consultation!
Contact our firm to request your free bankruptcy evaluation!